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one-hit wonder

美 [wʌn hɪt ˈwʌndər]英 [wʌn hɪt ˈwʌndə(r)]
  • 网络昙花一现;一片歌手
one-hit wonderone-hit wonder
  1. But Shelly Ann was to prove that she was anything but a one-hit wonder .


  2. Strength : Valukus may prove a one-hit wonder , but his2,200 page report on the collapse of Lehman Brothers has already gone platinum .


  3. There is not any one-hit wonder , and there will not be one for years to come , said Gary Shapiro , president and chief executive of the Consumer Technology Association ( CTA ) .


  4. The press got ahold of our one-hit wonder ,


  5. Rufus : I prefer " one-hit wonder . " - Bex Simon : What turned you gallerist ? -
